A Study on the Practice of Witch-Hunting in Assam, An Ontology


  • Devina Neogi Ramaiah Public Policy Center




Witch-hunting, Assam, Practice, Women, Rights, Safety


The research paper studies witch beliefs and witch hunts practices that exist in the state of Assam. The study investigates the reasons behind the existence of such beliefs and practices. It also tries to locate the inter-linkages between witch beliefs and witch hunt at the same time. Additionally, the research looks at the benefits that people get from sustaining these beliefs and practices. In this paper, I propose an ontological framework of witch-hunting that provides a structured logic for policy intervention by streamlining the different perspective of tackling this problem. The ontology provides us a lens to captures the nature of the people in Assam where witch beliefs and witchcraft continue to exists, the common witch beliefs and its relationship with the witch-hunting practices; it examines the interconnections between mythological tales and the real scenario of witch beliefs and witch hunt, its association with violence, and anti-witch hunt awareness and sensitization. The ontology provides a systematic, systemic and symmetric approach to viewing the problem which can be extensively used to design a roadmap for a draft policy proposal


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How to Cite

Neogi, D. (2020). A Study on the Practice of Witch-Hunting in Assam, An Ontology. Proceedings of the World Conference on Women’s Studies, 5(1), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.17501/24246743.2020.5101