bromelain, In vitro digestibility, saponin, trypsin inhibitor, pacific white shrimpAbstract
The present study aimed at investigating the effect of varying concentrations of bromelain crude extract from pineapple on percentage of protein digestibility and amount of saponin, and trypsin inhibitor in pacific white shrimp feed. The bromelain was extracted from the crown and peel of pineapple (Bhattavia strain) at dark green ripening stages. The trial was divided into two experiments; the first experiment determined the optimal condition for in vitro protein digestibility of pacific white shrimp feed which contains 38% of crude protein. It was digested by bromelain crude extract at different pH (6 – 9), hydrolysis time (5, 10, and 30 min), and temperature (25 and 30 °C). The second experiment investigated the saponin and trypsin inhibitor (TI) in white shrimp feed after being digested with different concentrations of bromelain crude extract at 0, 90, 170, and 250 ppt for 5, 10, and 30 min at 30 °C. The results presented that the optimal condition for protein digestion with bromelain was pH 6 at 25 °C for 5 and 30 min, the percentage of protein digestion was 63.15 and 70.66% (P<0.05). Besides, saponin content in the diet was varied after the bromelain levels and hydrolysis time, the highest level of saponin was found in digested diet with bromelain at 170 and 250 ppt for 30 min (1.84 and 1.88 mg/g feed) and the lowest saponin at 90 and 170 ppt for 5 min. (0.94 and 0.99 mg/g feed) (P<0.05). The TI content in the diet was varied inversely with the levels of bromelain at 5 – minute length which the lowest level of TI was shown in digested feed with bromelain at 250 ppt (0.008 mg/g feed) (P<0.05) whereas TI was varied with bromelain at 10 and 30 - minute lenght which the lowest level was shown at 0 ppt (0.0031 and 0.007mg/g feed) (P<0.05). This study showed that the optimal condition for protein digestion with bromelain was pH 6 at 25°C for 5 and 30 min, and the suitable level of bromelain and hydrolysis time to inactivate the saponin and trypsin inhibitor in shrimp feed were 250 ppt at 5 min.
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