
  • U Duran Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University, Çaycuma Food and Agriculture Vocational School, Veterinary Health Program
  • S Çenesiz Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Biochemistry



fish, live fish transport, biochemistry, aquaculture


Live fish transportation plays an important role in aquaculture and fisheries industries, enabling the movement of aquatic organisms for various purposes such as reproduction, restocking and trade. However, as the process of live fish transportation often involves prolonged confinement, changing environmental conditions and physiological stressors, it can cause various biochemical reactions in these sensitive organisms. This comprehensive review aims to explain the biochemical effects of live fish transportation, shedding light on the complex interactions between stress, physiology and overall fish health. During transportation, fish are under the influence of complex stressors, such as physical disturbances, changes in water quality parameters and handling-induced stress. The review also addresses the impact of transport-related biochemical changes on fish health and survival. Prolonged exposure to stressors can weaken the immune system and make fish more susceptible to pathogens. Furthermore, disruption of metabolic pathways and energy utilization can lead to post-transport mortality or delayed growth rates. Several strategies have been proposed to mitigate the adverse biochemical effects of live fish transportation. Pre-transport acclimation, optimization of transport conditions (e.g., water temperature, oxygen levels), and administration of stress-reducing compounds (e.g., antioxidants, corticosteroid blockers) have shown promise in alleviating stress-induced biochemical changes. In conclusion, live fish transportation is a complex process that significantly affects the biochemical environment of aquatic organisms. Understanding the intricacies of these biochemical reactions is critical to improve the welfare and survival of transported fish. Future research should focus on improving transport protocols and developing innovative interventions to minimize the negative effects of stress during transport. In this way, the sustainability of the aquaculture and fisheries industries can be supported.



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How to Cite

Duran, U., & Çenesiz, S. (2023). BIOCHEMICAL EFFECTS OF LIVE FISH TRANSPORTS: A Comprehensive Review. Proceedings International Conference on Fisheries and Aquaculture, 10(1), 76–90.