
  • NMA Brav Universidad Nacional del Callao, Perú
  • FHA Trejo Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Perú



Personality; Neuroticism; Extraversion; Psychoticism; Study habits


The objective of this research is to establish the relationship between two variables: Personality and Study Habits. The research developed is descriptive correlational. The sample was represented by 92 students of the first cycles of Chemical Engineering of a public university of the constitutional province of Callao-Peru. The study was developed with students of the courses State, Society and Human Development, Methodology of University Work and Industrial Psychology. For this purpose, two time groups were formed (01Q and 02Q), and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQR- A) was administered, this instrument evaluates the personality traits: Neuroticism, Extraversion and Psychoticism. On the other hand, Luis Vicuña's Study Habits Inventory evaluates the way students study, divided into five dimensions: How do you study, How do you do your homework, How do you prepare your exams, How do you listen to your classes and How do you accompany your study time? These are instruments that are used in the university system at an international level, they are used in the psycho-pedagogical area or for research. The results indicate a significant relationship between Personality and Study Habits. Therefore, it is demonstrated that there is a clear tendency towards the Psychoticism dimension, being very high; which is very unfavorable for a university student in this contemporary world. Likewise, it is verified that there is a considerable positive tendency towards the dimension of How do you study? There is a clear negative tendency towards the dimension of How do you do your homework? In addition, it is verified that there is a marked negative tendency towards How do you prepare your exams? which is very unfavorable for a university student.


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How to Cite

Brav, N., & Trejo, F. (2021). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PERSONALITY AND STUDY HABITS IN UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING STUDENTS. Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, 7(1), 295–307.