The Application of Life Skills in Making of Alum from Can Waste
life skills, inorganic chemistry experiment, motivation, alum (potassium alum)Abstract
Life skills learning is one of the learning processes where students learn various concepts
and apply them in daily life. In the process of learning, students are faced with certain situations so
that they get a new learning experience perceived benefits. The objective of this research was: 1) to
know the mastery of academic and social life skills in practice of making alum from waste can, 2) to
know the motivation of students in the implementation of the practice of making alum from waste
can, 3) know the concept mastery aspect in the implementation of the practice of making alum of
waste can. This research is a quasi-experiment with one-group posttest study design. Research
subjects were students of Chemistry Education Department who take inorganic chemistry
experiment. Instruments used were observation sheet and rubric indicator of work assessment (for
academic and social life skill) and questionnaire (for motivation), and subjective test: pre-test and
post-test (for conceptualization). The research data was analyzed by qualitative descriptive analysis
technique, that is by calculating the average of every aspect that is assessed and converting it into
qualitative criteria. Based on the result of research indicated that student's motivation in practice gets
good category while the value of mastery of academic skill and social life skill was in good category
and mastery of concept got very good category.
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