The selection of a suitable research topic has been a real challenge for students who are trying to complete their final year studies. Lack of knowledge of the field leads them to wander what to pick as their dissertation. Therefore, most of the students tend to choose captions which are less qualitative and quantitative. The title of the publication is the first impression of the entire study. Henceforth it is very important to demonstrate the bits of the content of the paper which should accelerate the interest of the reader. This article will explain possible interventions for picking the right research topic for your study.

It is important to identify the attributes necessary to effectively generate ideas and to convert those ideas into research topics. First and foremost, the student must be able to narrow down their interest into a subject and finalize the most confident part of the subject. Discussions with senior lecturers and professors regarding one specific area would be beneficial to identify problematic issues and burning topics to cover such basic necessities.

Reading helps to find out more information regarding the field and past literature such as research papers, journal articles of the same field which has addressed the exact situation in various conditions would give a glimpse of an idea on how to carry and plan your study. Moreover, watching videos and continuously discussing the same topic with different people will change your perspectives of the analysis which aids to strengthen your ideas of the topic.

If you are an employee, you can select a situation or a problem that you would like to highlight in the company and find a possible solution by doing a research. Therefore, you must discuss this matter with the management and get their views comments and suggestions on this with the permission to conduct a research in the premises. This will aid you to get a successful final outcome and a quality study as well.

Participating in national and international research gatherings such as symposiums, workshops and research conferences will help you to find out a way to do your next research as well. Though the prevailing situation of the pandemic has affected largely on public gatherings, you can join with them virtually.

Written by – Ruksheela Bangamuwage

TIIKM Publishing

The International Institute of Knowledge Management