
  • S Patimah 1Nutrition Department, School of Public Health, Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Y Kurniati Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
  • SA Sharief Midwifery Department, School of Public Health, Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Indonesia



Coexisting, Stunting, School Based, Girl Adolescent, Anemia


: In Indonesia, anemia and stunting are still commonly found among girls adolescent, even though this can happen to the same person and the same time. So intervention is needed to overcome this. The study aims to assess the effect of school-based integrated interventions on the coexistence of anemia and stunting. The quasi-experimental design was used, involving 342 female students from 4 schools, namely two  intervention schools (the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology) and two comparison schools (the Ministry of Religion). The intervention group received nutrition-health education from trained teachers (4 weeks) and implementation of an integrated adolescent girls Posyandu (4 months) that establish previously to monitor growth, nutritional status, and multi-micro-nutrient supplementation by health center staff. While the comparison group only received nutrition-health education from trained teachers for four weeks. Height measurement adjusted for the age to determine the HAZ-score (stunted: HAZ-Score value is <-2 SD). Measurements of hemoglobin levels using a blood photo meter Hemocue to determine anemia (Hb <12 g/dl). Data were analyzed using the chi-square test and Mc Nemar test. Before the intervention, there was no significant difference (p=0.527) in the coexistence prevalence of anemia and stunting between the intervention group (5.7%) and the comparison group (6.3%). However, after the intervention, there was a significant difference in the prevalence of the coexistence of anemia and stunting between the two groups (p = 0.016). In the intervention group, the coexistence of anemia and stunting was decrease by 1.2%, while in the comparison group increased almost two times (12.5%). Therefore, school-based integrated interventions for female adolescent are crucial as a form of investment to break the chain of malnutrition.



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How to Cite

Patimah, S., Kurniati, Y., & Sharief , S. (2024). REDUCING THE PREVALENCE OF COEXISTENCE OF ANEMIA AND STUNTING THROUGH SCHOOL-BASED INTEGRATED INTERVENTIONS FOR GIRLS ADOLESCENT. Proceedings of the International Conference on Food, Nutrition, Health and Lifestyle, 2(1), 27–39.