
  • Shafaq Zehra Media Sciences Department, SZABIST, Dubai, United Arab Emirates




Euphoria, video-feedback, experiences, dreams, state, peace


The pursuit of happiness and internal bliss among humans is undergoing a paradigm shift inclined more towards individuality which demands in depth qualitative exploration. Humans engage in activities of interest to attain pleasure and sooth the senses. Many religious Saints, Sufis, scholars, expressionists, meditation practitioners and critics have invested their whole life in exploring inner self to attain peace and personal gratification. They have also transmitted their personal experience to others. The study aims to explore and interlink the human practices to achieve a state of euphoria to evaluate its impact on mind and body in space. The research links the relationship of the affiliated emotions with physical arousal of pleasure and body movements. Research data is collected through in depth interviews and observation in activities of yoga, dance, meditation classes and music events. Analysis of the results describe the peace attaining activities to be similar in its purpose of slowing down the thought process to build relaxation and seek the hidden aspects of spiritual immortality to attain state of euphoria. Leading the research, the study aims to translate the data in a visual form through linking transitory state of mind with phenomenon of plasticity to create finite and infinite generations using a video technique. The study elaborates on elevating positive energies to become a tolerant, calmer and a contended human being to impart optimism into the space and society, making this world a better place to live.


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How to Cite

Zehra, S. (2019). EXPLORING AND EXPERIENCING THE STATE OF EUPHORIA. Proceedings of the World Conference on Media and Mass Communication, 4(2), 8–23. https://doi.org/10.17501/24246778.2018.4202