Media Justice for Some: Unveiling Bias and Narrative Analysis for Mainstream Media Coverage in the War Against Gaza Strip/Palestine 2023
Media bias, media ethics, narrative analysis, media politics, Gaza strip, conflict reportingAbstract
This paper employs a multifaceted approach to scrutinize media bias in coverage of the war against Palestine in the Gaza Strip. Narrative analysis serves as a foundational tool, dissecting the stories presented by mainstream outlets. This involves deconstructing the language, tone, and framing choices to uncover subtle biases that may influence public perception. Observational techniques supplement narrative analysis, providing a real-time examination of how language is deployed in reporting by major media players, including CNN, BBC, and NBC. This involves monitoring the frequency and context of certain terms, identifying patterns, and discerning any disparities in portraying the Palestinian and Israeli perspectives. This quantitative tool allows for a comprehensive assessment of language patterns, identifying recurring themes and potential editorial biases. Additionally, interviews with media professionals experts offered a qualitative dimension to the study.
Throughout the research, a rigorous triangulation of data sources ensures the robustness of findings. The combination of qualitative and quantitative tools enables a nuanced understanding of how language is wielded in media coverage, pinpointing bias and potential breaches of ethical standards. In conclusion, the methodology deployed in this paper is a holistic and integrated approach, blending narrative analysis, observational techniques, content analysis, and expert interviews. This comprehensive toolkit aims to uncover, dissect, and contextualize the linguistic biases and media ethics in mainstream media coverage of the war against Palestine.
Keywords: Media Bias, Media Ethics, Media Politics, Palestine, Media Ethics, Gaza Strip, Conflict Reporting, Narrative Analysis
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