
  • K. W. K.M.W Giragama School of Business Management, Cardiff Metropolitan University, (UK)
  • W.M.S.L.H Sooriyabandara Department of Business Management, International College of Business and Technology




career development, banking industry, private banking employees


Sri Lankan banking industry is playing a major role in the Sri Lankan economy and the perception to get a banking employment is so high in Sri Lankan mind sets due to its’ prestigious social status within the country. However, after getting involved in to the employment as a “Banking assistant” there are several aspects a banking employees’ life cycle would affect due to the highly competitive Sri Lankan banking sector. This study is an attempt to investigate the career development of staff in the private banking sector of Sri Lanka. A case study approach has been selected based on a Sri Lankan leading private sector bank which consisted 159 branch network all over the island. The main aim of this study is to determine the significant factors which effect the career development of employees in XYZ banking Plc. Seven independent variables namely; Training, Organizational goals, Career education, empowerment, individual attitudes, individual career mapping, self-appraisal were selected from main two areas such as Organizational Career planning and Individual career planning to determine the relationships with employee career development. Results were produced by 93 respondents out of 158 sample size. Study results revealed Training, Organizational Goals, Career Education, Empowerment and self-appraisal are significant factors for the career development. Moreover, results showed that Training, Career mapping, Individual attitudes have significant differences between groups in terms of “Gender” and Training, Organizational Goals, career education, Empowerment, Individual attitudes, Career Mapping, Self-appraisal have a significant difference between groups in terms of “Age”.



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How to Cite

Giragama, K. W. K., & Sooriyabandara, W. (2018). FACTORS AFFECTING THE CAREER DEVELOPMENT OF STAFF IN THE BANKING SECTOR: A CASE STUDY OF A PRIVATE BANK OF SRI LANKA. Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Sciences, 4(1), 28–41. https://doi.org/10.17501/icoss.2017.4104