Information Seeking Behaviour of Undergraduates about Higher Educational Opportunities in Sri Lanka: Online or Offline?


  • K A Vidyanjalie Abeygunawardena Faculty of Education, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka



Bachelor’s Degree, Gender Differences, information sources, Prospective Students, Social Media


International Degree Programmes emerged as a domestic option affiliated to private
higher educational institutes (PHEIs). As it is highly competitive, PHEIs implement their BD
programmes differently to attract prospective student where social media platforms use to
disseminate more informed information. However, this study attempts to discuss how
undergraduates seek information at an early stage of their decision-making process when selecting a
BD. The questionnaire with 59 predefined variables administered by 420 first-year undergraduates
from randomly selected 7 PHEIs. Educating stakeholders for the digital world is significant since the
penetration of social media still plays a secondary role in seeking information.


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How to Cite

Abeygunawardena, K. A. V. (2020). Information Seeking Behaviour of Undergraduates about Higher Educational Opportunities in Sri Lanka: Online or Offline?. Proceedings of the International Conference on Future of Education, 2(2), 13–22.