Perceived Effect of Promotion Strategies on Audience Film Preference in Malaysia


  • Puteri Sarah Hanim Mohamad Shaiful University Teknologi MARA



Social Media Marketing, Audience Preference


For this study we have adopted a comparative approach to better understand perceived effect of promotion strategies on audience film preference in Malaysia including its successes in regards to popular social tactics and campaigns as well as where it may fall short within the realm of marketing as a whole and to explore the differences marketing strategies. The study also found the benefits and challenges using the strategies and takes a look into how social media can best be used and implemented to create for a successful marketing campaign for the theatrical release of a film in Hollywood to implied on film industry in Malaysia. This study uses Qualitative method which utilizes the Focus- Group interview, throughout this study, netizen’s comments and discussions on social media are analyzed to also determine how the promotion strategies may influence the audience.


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How to Cite

Mohamad Shaiful, P. S. H. (2019). Perceived Effect of Promotion Strategies on Audience Film Preference in Malaysia. Proceedings of the World Conference on Media and Mass Communication, 5(1), 154–160.