Chinese-style Public Service Advertising in CCTV:Change and Continuity


  • Yan Liu Ipsos (China) Consulting Co., Ltd



Chinese-style PSA;, structural functionalism;, intended functions;, social context


This study traces change and continuity in the intended functions of Chinese-style public-service advertisements (PSAs) from the perspective of structural functionalism. Chinese-style PSAs are divided into four periods corresponding to the leaders of Chinese Communist Party (CCP): Deng (1979-1992), Jiang (1993-2002), Hu (2003-2012) and Xi (2013-present). Adopting the discourse-historical approach of critical discourse analysis, this study analyzes the interaction between Chinese-style PSAs and the social context in each period. It concludes that Chinese-style PSAs have three intended functions: social norm transfer, legitimation and de-legitimation, and the inculcation of a simple, dualistic mode of thought. The limitations of this study are discussed, as are ideas for future studies.


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How to Cite

Liu, Y. (2019). Chinese-style Public Service Advertising in CCTV:Change and Continuity. Proceedings of the World Conference on Media and Mass Communication, 5(1), 25–34.