Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Sciences <p>ISSN 2357-268X (Online)</p> <p>The Proceedings of International Conference on Social Sciences includes papers written in the areas of Social Issues, Cross Cultural Studies, Globalization, Development Studies, Psychology and philosophy, Demographic Studies and many more.</p> <p>Learn more about ICOSS Conference.</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> en-US <p><a href="" rel="license"><img src="" alt="Creative Commons License"></a><br>This work is licensed under a <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>.</p> (ICOSS Editorial Board) (Ms. Thisuri Jayalath) Tue, 30 Apr 2024 12:53:10 +0530 OJS 60 GROWING UP SAFE: INSIGHTS FROM MALAYSIAN ROAD SAFETY EDUCATION PROGRAM ON IMPROVING ROAD SAFETY BEHAVIOURS <p>Globally, deaths caused by road traffic injuries show an estimated a million deaths each year (WHO, 2018). Appallingly, road traffic injury is identified as the number one cause of death for children and young adults. Children are more vulnerable due to their physical fragility. Road safety education (RSE) is one of the integrative approaches that is chosen to intervene with the issue. RSE is any program or measure that focuses on promoting the knowledge of traffic rules and situations and the improvement of skills through training and experience. Malaysia implemented RSE at schools with the same aim. The present study aims to empirically analyse the association between the level of usage of the RSE module and the knowledge gained on road safety on the self-reported behaviour of students after a newly revamped RSE module was introduced in 2019. The students were selected by choosing sample schools from districts with the highest number of deaths among children aged seven to nine years old. It is hypothesised that the level of usage and the level of knowledge of these children is associated with their positive self-reported road safety behaviours. A multi-linear regression analysis showed that the model failed to predict self-reported behaviour as the model only explained 3.6% of the variance. Nevertheless, it was found that the usage level of RSE module significantly predicted the level of self-reported behaviour (B=0.191, p=0.000) but the level of knowledge failed to predict the self-reported behaviour (B=0.115, p=0.228). The results showed that the level of knowledge did not translate into behaviour. Continuous empirical study is essential to be conducted to ensure the program is guided by science to ensure the most effective implementation.</p> Roziana Shahril, AMELIA HAZREENA ABDUL GHANI, Noralya Hanani NORKHAIRI, NOORUL ASYIQQIN ELIAS, NOORITA CHE HARUNA RASHID Copyright (c) 2024 Roziana Shahril, AMELIA HAZREENA ABDUL GHANI, Noralya Hanani NORKHAIRI, NOORUL ASYIQQIN ELIAS, NOORITA CHE HARUNA RASHID Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0530 LEVEL OF ICT READINESS AMONG FACULTY MEMBERS OF LOCAL CITY COLLEGE: BASIS FOR AN INTERVENTION PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT <p>The teachers’ Information and Communications Technology (ICT) &nbsp;knowledge and skills help them to be more efficient in performing their tasks, ensure effective learniung to students, and adhere to ICT advancements and competency. The study aimed to determine the level of ICT readiness of the 18 faculty members of the Local City College during the school year 2021-2022 based on profile: age, number of ICT training hours attended, length of service, and sex. A modified survey questionnaire was used to measure ICT readiness in terms of ICT knowledge (through Self-Administered Questionnaire) and ICT skills (through skills demonstration), which were derived from the National ICT Competency Standard of the Commission on Information and Communications Technology and the Computer Literacy Questionnaire.&nbsp; It made use of descriptive-quantitative and qualitative designs. The findings revealed that the faculty were knowledgeable and skilled in basic ICT. The common themes derived from the resulting discrepancy between ICT knowledge and ICT skills were wrong perceptions or assumptions, confusion on the unfamiliar/technical words/terms, and low confidence level which was associated with the random response bias. It was concluded that teachers were skilled and knowledgeable equally or similarly ready in ICT, whether they were clustered according to sex, age groups, number of ICT training hours attended, and length of service in using common computer applications in the basic skills set, namely: Word Processing, Presentation, ICT Basics, Internet Skills, Computer ethics, security, and spreadsheets. Furthermore, the study recommended an intervention program to be conducted among faculty members of the local city college to prepare teachers to be highly knowledgeable and skilled in ICT.</p> Maricor Marquez Copyright (c) 2024 Maricor Marquez Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0530