Women’s Sex Representation in Comic Book
comics, women, gender representation, objectificationAbstract
The representation of women has always been different in comics from past to present.
Some women have been shown in the comics, in the role of being saved by a male superhero, or in a
sexy female image with pornographic elements. The scarcity of female illustrators and writers, being
male among publishers consists of the necessary information for the research of comics among the
gender studies. Just as there are gender and objectification elements in real life, there are also these
approaches to the female body in comics. Towards the 21st century, together with the movements of
feminism, both the technological conditions and the digitization of the comics have made women's
representation a little more free. For this reason, the methodology of the research has been
determined as Fourth Wave Feminism. Now, they can explain the female lesbian culture and sexual
policies independently of society in the comics of Alison Bechdel's Fun Home and a series of images
that depict Belden Sezen's A Snapshot. The handling of such female characters in comic books and
graphic novels firstly enables the students to make accurate determinations while breaking the
prejudice of the society, and then when determining the orientation of the young generation, and that
women can live their identity freely as an individual. Based on all these information and results, in
this research, the representation of women in comics will be explained through a historical
evaluation and then criticized in terms of gender.
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